Systems integration is the art of connecting the dots between different software, hardware and data systems to optimizing workflows and minimizing redundancy.

Get the job done faster

Caspian offers a full suite of creative services to level up your team's productivity: 

Efficiency audit & action plan

Stop wasting time and resources. We'll identify inefficiencies and create a tailored plan to optimize your operations.

Software implementation

New software shouldn't slow you down. We'll implement and configure your tools, getting you up and running quickly.

Account migrations

Migrating to a new platform can be daunting. We'll handle the complexities, ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition.

Integration optimization

Say goodbye to siloed systems and hello to seamless data flow. We'll integrate your tools and platforms, ensuring they work together harmoniously.

Systems planning

Building out your digital infrastructure? We'll design a scalable, secure, and future-proof foundation for your business's growth.

Automated process management

Reclaim your time and boost productivity. We'll automate repetitive tasks, freeing you and your team to focus on strategic initiatives.

Tech stack feature audit

Is your tech stack working for you, or against you? We'll assess your current tools, identify gaps and redundancies, and optimize your technology ecosystem for peak performance.

Frequently asked questions

What our prospects and clients ask us the most:
Is there a free trial available?
While we don’t offer a free trial, we are happy to set up a video conference call to explain our platform and how it works, and show you the ins and outs. Given the nature of our business, we do not allow free trials or demos of any sort at this time.
Can I change my plan later?
Of course! You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time.
What is your cancellation policy?
You can cancel your plan at any time, provided that the terms of your contract are fulfilled. Generally, most users can cancel at any time unless they've signed up for a plan with a minimum term. While we don't refund you for the current month, we're happy to fulfill service through the end of your billing cycle.
Do I own what Caspian creates for my business?
Generally speaking, yes! As long as all of your outstanding invoices have been paid in full, and the terms of your contract have been fulfilled, Caspian grants to you the exclusive ownership of the license to everything we create for you. The only time that you won’t own something we create is if any part of the deliverable contains an element or process that is proprietary to our company or any of its subsidiaries (meaning proprietary code, processes or other intellectual property that is owned by Caspian and licenced to you for a specific purpose).
Are there any storage limits?
Right now, there are currently no workspace storage limits for users. This is subject to change in the future, or if you have an extreme use case.
Can I invite my entire team?
Definitely! Invite everyone, we can all create awesome things together.
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